Home Caregiver Training

Are you ready to step into a world of new knowledge and success in the field of caregiving?

Our Home Caregiver Training seminar invites you to acquire the essential skills and knowledge needed for a successful career in this crucial profession.

📚 What You’ll Learn:

  • Fundamental medical knowledge for patient care.
  • Psychological and clinical skills for handling various situations.
  • Practical tips for organizing and managing time.

🔍 What We Cover:

  • Key skills and knowledge for caring for children, the elderly, individuals with special needs, and those requiring rehabilitation care.
  • Hands-on training with real-life scenarios and simulations.

🎓 Benefits:

  • Professionally recognized certification.
  • Networking opportunities with experienced professionals in the field.
  • New knowledge providing a competitive edge.


  1. Basic Medical Knowledge: Learning fundamental medical knowledge for addressing common health challenges.
  2. Patient Psychology: Understanding the psychological aspects of caregiving and handling various situations.
  3. Social Skills: Developing communication and interaction skills with patients and families.
  4. Child Care: Learning the specific requirements for child care, including their psychology.
  5. Elderly Care: Recognizing the needs and challenges associated with elderly care.
  6. Care for Individuals with Special Needs: Preparing for the care of individuals with special needs, including diseases and disabilities.
  7. Critical Situations Management: Developing skills to handle emergency situations and disasters.
  8. Organization and Planning: Learning techniques for organization and time management.
  9. Administrative Skills: Acquiring management skills for organizing the care environment.
  10. Safety and Health: Training in creating a safe environment and protecting health.
  11. First Aid: Learning basic first aid and emergency response skills.
  12. Communication with Patient’s Family: Training for effective communication and cooperation with the family.
  13. Ethical Dilemmas: Understanding and addressing ethical dilemmas in the caregiving field.
  14. Stress Management: Developing techniques for managing stress during work.




Training Center

Anaglyfo Consulting

Program Duration

100 hours

Program Cost

€500 after HRDA cost

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