Addressing Cyber Threats through Modern Technological Solutions and Advanced Cybersecurity Strategies

In a world where technology is evolving rapidly, cyberattacks pose an ever-growing threat to businesses. Now, more than ever, it is imperative to equip yourself with the necessary knowledge and tools for prevention, response, and resilience against such challenges. Anaglyfo Consulting Ltd, with years of experience in professional development and empowerment, invites you to participate in a unique training program, "Addressing Cyber Threats through Modern Technological Solutions and Advanced Cybersecurity Strategies," fully funded by the HRDA.

Topics to be covered:

Information Security Governance and EU Policies

Cybersecurity Operations and Resilience - Strengthening the Cybersecure Position

Advanced Technologies for Cybersecurity and Business Innovation

Skills and Knowledge You Will Gain from Participating in the Seminar:


Trainer's Biography

The trainer has 30 years of experience at national, European, and international levels (National Guard in the field of cybersecurity). He holds a Master’s degree from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in “Physics, Informatics, and Telecommunications,” as well as a Ph.D. from the University of Cyprus focusing on cyber defense, specifically in the modeling and early detection techniques of cyberattacks, with particular emphasis on Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs).

He specializes in the fields of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, with a focus on:

He has held various significant positions at the European Union level, including serving as the Head of the Cybersecurity Unit at the European Security and Defense College – European External Action Service, where he coordinated cybersecurity training activities for the 27 EU member states.

He is a member of specialized committees and organizations such as CEN/CLC/JTC 21-JTC22-FG DDCE and ETSI/SAI-QKD-CYBER, which focus on the development of standards in data security, artificial intelligence, and quantum technology.

He possesses excellent skills in strategic design and implementation of security architectures, project management, cybersecurity incident response, critical infrastructure protection, and risk assessment. He has developed and implemented specialized solutions for European organizations and large enterprises in the following areas:

  • Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, and Information Security (INFOSEC)
  • Data Protection, ISMS (ISO 27001), and Information Systems Management
  • Space Applications (Space ICT) and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Key Distribution)
  • Cloud Security, DDoS Attacks, Hybrid Threats, and Incident Response

Additionally, he holds accredited professional certifications, including PRINCE2 (business management), ITIL4 (service management), COBIT 2019 (IT governance framework), ISO/IEC 27001 (Information Security Management), ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems), ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management Systems), and ISO 22301:2019 (Security and Resilience — Business Continuity Management Systems — Requirements).

Furthermore, he has completed the following training courses: (i) Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), (ii) Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), (iii) Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), (iv) ITIL4 Specialist: Create, Deliver & Support, (v) CC – Certified in Cybersecurity, (vi) ISMS Lead Implementer (ISO/IEC 27001:2022), (vii) ISMS Lead Auditor (ISO/IEC 27001:2022), (viii) CIPP/E – Certified Information Privacy Professional Europe, (ix) CCSP – Certified Cloud Security Professional.

He currently holds the position of Director at Cyberecocul Global Services, a newly established startup focused on providing cybersecurity services, covering the areas of research, development, and innovation.







Hotel Atlantica Miramare, Limassol

Program Duration

14 hours

Program Cost

100% subsidized by the HRDA

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